Watch: BIOHAZARD Joined By CYPRESS HILL's SEN DOG For 'How It Is' Performance At AFTERSHOCK Festival

October 12, 2024

Senen "Sen Dog" Reyes (CYPRESS HILL) joined BIOHAZARD on stage this past Thursday (October 10) at the Aftershock festival in Sacramento, California to perform the band's classic song "How It Is". Fan-filmed video of his appearance can be seen below.

The original version of "How It Is", featuring Sen Dog and LIMP BIZKIT's DJ Lethal, appeared on BIOHAZARD's 1994 album "State Of The World Address".

Sen Dog and BIOHAZARD vocalist/guitarist Billy Graziadei are bandmates in POWERFLO, which will release its new album, "Gorilla Warfare", on November 1 via New Damage Records.

In a recent interview with France's Loud TV, BIOHAZARD bassist/vocalist Evan Seinfeld confirmed that he and his bandmates were making a new album. Evan said: "I'm really excited about it. I'm writing a lot of lyrics right now, working on some music. All the guys are writing. It's exciting."

Asked when BIOHAZARD fans can expect to hear some new music, Evan said: "I imagine early next year. I couldn't tell you. We're working on it this year. We'll see what happens."

The first reunion gig from Graziadei,Seinfeld, guitarist Bobby Hambel and drummer Danny Schuler and took place on May 26, 2023 at the Milwaukee Metal Fest at The Rave/Eagles Ballroom in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

In 2022, Graziadei said in an interview that there had been "talk" about putting BIOHAZARD back together.

The group, which is acknowledged as one of the earliest outfits to fuse hardcore punk and heavy metal with elements of hip-hop, had been out of the public eye since Scott Roberts left the band more than eight years ago.

Roberts, who played guitar on BIOHAZARD's 2005 album "Means To An End", rejoined the group in June 2011 as the replacement for Seinfeld. Scott fronted BIOHAZARD for nearly five years before exiting the band in February 2016.

In an August 2020 interview with the "Aftershocks" podcast, Roberts said that he left BIOHAZARD because he "wasn't happy" anymore. "There was one guy that I wasn't getting along with very well, and it made touring not fun anymore for me," he said. "My reason to stick around was to make a new record that was great and I'd be proud of and all that stuff, and then it became kind of clear that wasn't gonna happen, so I was, like, 'What am I doing it for?' So I quit."

Seinfeld made his last recorded appearance with BIOHAZARD on 2012's "Reborn In Defiance" album, which marked the first LP featuring the band's original lineup in 18 years.

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